1. Review the list of destinations and courses offered on trips for the academic year or contact Rhonda DelViscio at rls160@psu.edu. Don't Forget To Get Your Passport! U.S. citizens now need a passport in order to purchase an international airplane ticket.
2. Choose a destination and courses (or courses - up to 6 credits) and contact the listed faculty member for syllabus details and any academic questions. Coursework will be completed as follows: 1/3 prior to the trip, 1/3 during the trip and 1/3 after the completion of the trip. Any non-Penn State student wishing to receive credit must register and pay Penn State tuition.
3. Register for the COURSE. This can be done in person in the Registrar's Office (105 Main Building, Brandywine Campus). NOTE: If enrolling in a trip course brings you over 18 credits for the semester or if you intend to take two courses (6 credits) on a trip, you must have your academic adviser contact Rhonda DelViscio at rls160@psu.edu to secure the DAA’s approval for the overload.
4. Register for the TRIP by contacting Celestial Voyagers at 516-829-1525 or http://www.celestialvoyagers.com/. They can answer all questions regarding travel, hotels, itineraries, and flights. Note: Penn State requires travel insurance and emergency contact information for participating students; contact Rhonda DelViscio at rls160@psu.edu.
5. Send deposit and final payment to Celestial Voyagers by dates specified on the trip brochure and Celestial Voyager website. NOTE: Late penalties can apply.
6. Begin the independent work portion of the course. 1/3 of the total course work should be completed before travel begins. Stay in regular contact with the course instructor. If possible, attend scheduled information sessions for general questions and advice.
7. Pick up tickets and submit pre-trip work on date designated for each trip. NOTE: Late work will not receive full credit. If you are unable to pick up your tickets, you make arrangements with Celestial Voyagers prior to this date.
8. Go on the trip and complete assignments required during the trip.
9. Complete and submit all required coursework by the final due date indicated on the syllabus.
10. Travel Again! Working with Dr. Greene (the Brandywine International Studies Advisor, pdg4@psu.edu), earn the 18 credits required for the Global and International Studies Minor!